Tuesday, September 30, 2008

We Pay 2 Play Games That Suck?

Okay, so how many of you went out and bought Star Wars: The Force Unleashed? I'm a huge Star Wars fan myself. I played Outcast, Battle Front, KOTOR, so I definitely planned on playing Unleashed, but something told me to hold off before I bought it, just to check out the reviews. It seemed like every major video game site and magazine smashed the game, labeling it a complete miss hit by Lucas Arts. I for one, thought it couldn't be that bad, so I rented it and results are in, they were right. The game had an abundance of glitches in game play that made me ecstatic that I didn't spend 60 bucks to find out. So why do they build us up to let us down? But more importantly, what can gamers, the "We Pay 2 Play" community do about this or demand from developers?

Demos are never an indication of what the complete game will play like when we purchase it. It sucks that we have to rely on others opinions to find out how great or how horrible a game really is. I think the gamers should be the reviewers that count and not the critics or the developers who think their sh*t don't stink.

Just a thought for you game developers out there, form a fan fair for fan's to be the critics for your games. We are the one's that pay to play, not the critics who receive free copies. Make public of what the fans thought about your game to other gamers, and based on their response makes the necessary changes to your game before you release it to the masses to avoid a complete and total miss hit. You won't put out crap, and we won't pay for crap. All and all both parties would be happy with the end result.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I never had the heart to shell out more than 40 dollars for a game I might or might not like... by the time I feel confident that a game is worth paying for, the price has usually dropped down.


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