Wednesday, October 29, 2008

A Heroes Tale: Good or Evil?

So I'm enjoying Fable II! It's an amazing game! More than I expected, and yes I'm drinking the kool-aid that Peter Molyneux has made. This game is so much better than the first, and I've only scratched the surface of game play. I'm at a cross roads in the game. On the verge of deciding whether to be good or evil. It's hard because I don't see a difference in the rewards. The only drawback for going evil is my appearance at this point. I hoping that the muddy waters will become a lot clearer when I get farther along in the game. So this could be one set back in game play. They should make a better distinction between good versus evil. What are the clear gains of either path. I will keep you updated on what path I choose. Stay tuned!

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