Tuesday, November 18, 2008

PC Games Savior? WOW: Wrath Of The Lich King

There's a huge following when it comes to console games, simply because they have the coolest games,(sorry I'm a bit biased) a larger selection of games, and media giants to back. But the PC gaming industry is still alive, however, it takes a special game to accumulate the hype and excitement that most big console titles gain automatically. Blizzard's World of Warcraft is that game. Gamers camped out over night at Fry's in California since Tuesday of last week to be the first to get the game. Blizzard's staff of developers were greeted like rock stars, signing thousands of autographs. All this for WOW? Wow indeed! When Blizzard announced the first hero class for World of Warcraft back at its 2007 BlizzCon, many people were excited to see what it had to offer. When the beta for Wrath of the Lich King was released, many clamored to see how the Death Knight felt, but this resulted in mixed reactions, though there were sure to be many tweaks made to the class before the expansion was released. The reviews this week suggests it a home run for Blizzard with most critics giving the game a 9.0 rating. I'm no PC gamer but you can't help but wonder what's all the hype about. I know its one of those games that sucks the life right out of you, meaning you become a drone glued to your computer for over 40 hours a week. I have a 40 hour job, and that's enough, but for you PC gamers out there enjoy your glory til Resident Evil 5 is released or the newest version of Halo.

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