Monday, December 15, 2008

All I Want For Christmas . . . . . .

I wish I was a kid again, for only one simple reason, I would request 3 video games for my mom and dad to have under the Christmas tree. Probably more than 3 but unforturnately, my mom would only buy me 3. Now she won't buy me anything. Enjoy it now kiddies because once you're in your twenties, mom and dad won't buy you a damn thing unless its for College.

There are so many new games I have still yet to buy. I want Gears 2, Fall Out 3, NBA2K9, Mirrors Edge, Prince of Persia, Dead Space. . . . the list could go on and on. This was a great year for the video games industry. According to the news, its the only recession proof industry alive today. Think about it, when you lose your job, you need something to pass the time, why not play video games until you find your next gig. LMAO!

Unfortunatly, if you're broke, like me, you make a wish list of the games you want but can't afford to buy. So to anyone out there, feel free to add to this wish list, if you're broke too, or if you want to send me any game on my list, why not? It'll be your good deed for the year. :)

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